Rreth flamurit t� p�rbashkuar Me nj� d�shir’ e nj� q�llim, T� gjith’ atje duke u betuar T� lidhim bes�n p�r shp�tim. Prej lufte ve� ai largohet Q� �sht� lindur tradh�tor, Kush �sht� burr� nuk frik�sohet, Po vdes, po vdes si nj� d�shmor! N� dor� arm�t do t’i mbajm�, T� mbrojm� atdheun n� �do k�nd, T� drejtat tona ne s’i ndajm�; K�tu armiqt� s’kan� v�nd! Se Zoti vet� e tha me goj� Q� kombe shuhen p�rmbi dh�, Po Shqip�ria do t� rroj�;
P�r t�, p�r t� luftojm� ne!
United around the flag With one desire and one goal, All of us pledging our honor Making a covenant for salvation. From war abstains only he, Who a traitor is born, For he who is a man is never frightened, But falls, but falls a martyr to the cause! The weapons in our hands we shall keep Defending every corner of our fatherland, Our rights we shall not surrender; Here our enemies have no place! For Lord himself hath spoken That nations do vanish on earth, But Albania shall live on,
For her, for her we fight on!