Explore Fascinating Facts and Figures of World Countries

Welcome to my exploration of the diverse countries that make up our world! In this comprehensive guide, I will take you on an exciting journey, delving into fascinating facts and figures about countries from all around the globe. From unique cultural practices to geographical wonders, prepare to expand your global knowledge.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Nauru is the home to the most overweight people in the world, with 97% of men and 93% of women being obese.
  • Australia is the only continent without active volcanoes.
  • Ladonia, a micro-nation in Sweden, has a stone being thrown into water as one of its official anthems.
  • China operates on a single time zone, despite spanning over five time zones geographically.
  • Yonge Street in Canada is the longest street in the world, spanning 1,896 km.

These are just a few of the captivating facts you’ll discover as we delve into the rich tapestry of countries around the world. So let’s begin this incredible journey together!

Nauru – The Obesity Capital of the World

Discover the surprising statistics behind Nauru’s status as the obesity capital of the world. With a staggering 97% of men and 93% of women classified as obese, this small island nation faces significant health challenges. The people of Nauru grapple with a combination of factors that contribute to these alarming rates, including a sedentary lifestyle, limited access to fresh and nutritious food, and an overreliance on imported processed goods.

This obesity epidemic has led to a range of health issues for the population, including diabetes, heart disease, and other obesity-related conditions. In recent years, Nauru has taken steps to address this crisis by implementing public health initiatives, such as promoting physical activity and encouraging healthier eating habits. However, the road to overcoming this challenge remains long and arduous.

It is essential to understand the complex societal, economic, and cultural factors that have contributed to Nauru’s high obesity rates. By examining this case, we can gain valuable insights into the broader global health issues surrounding obesity and the steps that need to be taken to combat this growing problem.

Obesity Statistics in NauruMenWomen
Obese Population97%93%

Australia – A Volcanic Vacuum

Uncover the geological mystery of Australia’s lack of active volcanoes. Despite its diverse landscapes and natural wondersAustralia is the only continent on Earth that does not have any active volcanoes. This unique characteristic has fascinated scientists and geologists for years.

One possible explanation for Australia’s lack of active volcanoes is its position on a stable tectonic plate. Unlike other regions on the Pacific Ring of Fire, where volcanic activity is common due to the collision of several tectonic plates, Australia sits on the relatively stable Indo-Australian Plate.

This stability results in a lack of significant tectonic activity, which is necessary for the formation of volcanoes. While Australia does have some ancient volcanic regions, such as the Newer Volcanics Province in Victoria, these areas have been inactive for millions of years. The absence of recent volcanic activity is a testament to Australia’s geological stability.

Interesting FactGeographical Wonder
Australia is home to the largest monolith in the world – Uluru (Ayers Rock).
The Great Barrier Reef, off the coast of Queensland, is the largest coral reef system on the planet.
The Pinnacles, in Western Australia, are a unique limestone formation resembling otherworldly spires.
Explore Fascinating Facts and Figures of World Countries

The Great Barrier Reef – A Natural Wonder

Australia’s geographical wonders extend beyond its lack of volcanoes. The Great Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is not only the largest coral reef system but also one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. Stretching over 2,300 kilometers along the Queensland coast, it is visible from space and is home to various marine species, including colorful corals, turtles, sharks, and countless fish species.

As we continue our exploration of fascinating facts and figures about countries around the world, it is evident that Australia’s unique geological characteristics contribute to its status as a land of wonders.

Ladonia – A Micro-nation with Unusual Anthems

Step into the realm of Ladonia and unravel the secrets behind its unconventional national anthems. This micro-nation, located in Sweden, boasts a unique selection of official anthems, one of which includes the sound of a stone being thrown into water. Yes, you heard that right! In an unprecedented move, Ladonia has embraced the unconventional and created anthems that truly reflect its distinct identity.

With its status as a micro-nation, Ladonia has the freedom to express itself in ways that defy traditional norms. The selection of anthems is a testament to this spirit of individuality and creativity. These anthems serve as a reflection of Ladonia’s independence and its desire to celebrate the unconventional.

Embracing a stone being thrown into water as a national anthem may seem unconventional, but it symbolizes Ladonia’s connection to nature and its appreciation for the beauty found in even the simplest of actions. This unique choice highlights Ladonia’s commitment to breaking boundaries and challenging the status quo.

As we delve deeper into the realm of Ladonia, we uncover a micro-nation that thrives on creating its own path. From its unusual anthems to its distinct cultural practices, Ladonia invites us to question what it means to be a nation and encourages us to embrace our own individuality.

Unusual Ladonian AnthemsDescription
Stone Thrown into WaterThis anthem features the sound of a stone being thrown into water, symbolizing Ladonia’s affinity for the natural world.
Whistling WindThis anthem captures the haunting melodies of the wind, paying homage to Ladonia’s vast and diverse landscapes.
Laughter of ChildrenThis anthem celebrates the pure joy and innocence found in the laughter of children, representing Ladonia’s commitment to nurturing the next generation.

As we conclude our exploration of Ladonia’s unusual anthems, we are reminded that the definition of a nation is not confined to traditional boundaries. Ladonia challenges us to think beyond the expected and encourages us to embrace the unconventional. By celebrating the sound of a stone being thrown into water and other unique anthems, Ladonia reminds us of the power of individual expression and the beauty that can be found in the simplest of actions.

China – A Single Time Zone for a Vast Nation

Explore the unique timekeeping practices of China, spanning over five time zones geographically. Despite its vast size, China operates on a single time zone, known as China Standard Time (CST). This decision was made in 1949 to promote national unity and simplify communication and transportation across the country.

Operating on a single time zone has both advantages and challenges for the citizens of China. On the positive side, it eliminates the confusion of dealing with multiple time zones and facilitates coordination in business and government affairs. It also helps maintain a sense of national identity and cohesion among the diverse regions of the country.

However, the single time zone poses challenges for those living in the western regions of China, where daylight hours may deviate significantly from those in the eastern regions. For example, in the city of Kashgar, located in China’s westernmost region, sunrise can occur as late as 10:00 am local time, leading to adjustments in daily routines and work schedules.

Impact on Daily Life

The impact of the single time zone is particularly felt in the border regions of China, where neighboring countries may operate on different time zones. This can create challenges for trade, transportation, and cross-border communication. Additionally, individuals in the western regions may experience difficulties in adjusting to a standard time that does not align with their natural daylight patterns.

– Simplifies coordination and communication across the nation– Misalignment of daylight hours in western regions
– Promotes national unity and identity– Difficulties in cross-border trade and communication
– Adjustments in daily routines and work schedules

While the decision to maintain a single time zone in China has its advantages, it also presents challenges for citizens living in regions with significant differences in natural daylight patterns. Nevertheless, China’s unique timekeeping practices continue to shape the daily lives and cultural landscape of this vast nation.

Yonge Street – Canada’s Longest Road

Take a virtual stroll along Canada’s iconic Yonge Street, the longest street on the planet. Spanning an impressive 1,896 kilometers, this historic road stretches from the shores of Lake Ontario in Toronto to the town of Rainy River near the Minnesota border.

Yonge Street, often referred to as “Main Street Ontario,” is not just a long stretch of pavement but also a cultural and historical landmark. It has witnessed significant moments in Canadian history and continues to be a hub of activity, lined with bustling shops, restaurants, and landmarks.

As you explore Yonge Street, you’ll come across a wide array of attractions, including the iconic Yonge-Dundas Square, which hosts concerts, events, and vibrant street performances. The Eaton Centre, one of Canada’s largest shopping malls, is also situated along this bustling thoroughfare.

The Yonge Street Experience

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of experiences along Yonge Street. Indulge in culinary delights at diverse restaurants, from global cuisines to local favorites. Discover unique boutiques, art galleries, and theaters that showcase Canada’s vibrant arts scene.

Yonge Street is not just a road; it’s a window into the vibrant fabric of Canadian culture. From its historic buildings to its modern landmarks, this iconic street reflects the country’s diverse heritage and progressive spirit.

Quick Facts about Yonge Street
Length:1,896 kilometers
Main Cities:Toronto, Ontario
Interesting Fact:In 1793, Yonge Street was planned to be a military road, but it soon evolved into a crucial route for trade and transportation.

Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a food lover, or simply seeking the vibrant energy of a bustling city, a visit to Yonge Street is a must. It’s a place where stories are woven into the very fabric of the road, inviting visitors to experience the essence of Canada’s cultural tapestry.

New Zealand – A Trailblazer in Women’s Rights

Celebrate New Zealand’s historic achievement in granting women the right to vote before any other self-governing nation. In 1893, the country made history by becoming the first nation to recognize women’s suffrage, a pivotal moment in the global fight for gender equality. This landmark decision paved the way for progress and inspired women around the world to demand their right to participate in the democratic process.

New Zealand’s commitment to women’s rights did not stop with suffrage. The nation has continued to champion gender equality, striving for equal representation and opportunities for all. Today, New Zealand ranks among the top countries in the world in terms of gender equality, with women holding prominent positions in politics, business, and various other fields.

Impacts and Achievements

  • New Zealand’s achievement in granting women’s suffrage set a global example, fueling the momentum for women’s rights movements worldwide.
  • The right to vote empowered women to actively participate in decision-making processes, shaping government policies and advocating for women’s issues.
  • Increased female representation in politics and leadership roles has resulted in more diverse perspectives and policies that better address the needs of all citizens.

“The women of New Zealand have been handed the torch of woman’s suffrage and they have run with it ever since.” – Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand

As we honor New Zealand’s pioneering role in women’s suffrage, we are reminded of the ongoing journey towards achieving full gender equality worldwide. The determination and courage of those who fought for women’s rights in New Zealand continue to inspire us to strive for a more just and equitable world for all.

Key Facts:
Official NameNew Zealand
PopulationApproximately 5 million
Official LanguagesEnglish, Māori, New Zealand Sign Language
GovernmentUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy

Russia – The Lungs of the Earth

Journey through the verdant expanses of Russia, the world’s top producer of oxygen. With its vast forests covering approximately 45% of its land area, Russia plays a crucial role in sustaining our planet’s oxygen levels. These sprawling woodlands, including the vast Siberian taiga, are not only a breathtaking sight but also act as powerful natural oxygen factories.

These magnificent forests, spanning over 8 million square kilometers, produce a staggering amount of oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, making them the earth’s natural air purifiers. The Russian forests are a vital resource in combating global climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide and replenishing our atmosphere with clean, breathable air.

“The forests of Russia are an essential lifeline for our planet, contributing significantly to oxygen production and absorbing carbon dioxide. Their preservation and sustainable management are of utmost importance in maintaining the delicate balance of our global ecosystem.” – Environmental Scientist

Forest Conservation Efforts

Russia recognizes the importance of its forest resources and has implemented various conservation measures to safeguard these vital ecosystems. The country has established protected areas, national parks, and nature reserves to ensure the preservation of its vast forested landscapes. These protected areas serve as sanctuaries for diverse flora and fauna, including rare and endangered species.

Furthermore, Russia actively promotes sustainable forest management practices, including reforestation initiatives, to maintain the health and vitality of its forests. By balancing economic development with environmental protection, Russia strives to ensure the long-term sustainability of its forest resources for future generations.

Key Facts about Russia’s Forests
Russian forests cover approximately 8 million square kilometers
They account for 45% of Russia’s land area
Russia possesses the largest forest area in the world
These forests produce a significant portion of the world’s oxygen
Russian forests are home to diverse wildlife, including endangered species

As we marvel at the breathtaking landscapes and explore the cultural heritage of Russia, let us also acknowledge the invaluable role its forests play in sustaining life on Earth. By protecting and cherishing these green treasures, we can ensure a healthier planet for ourselves and future generations.

Guatemala – A Tapestry of Languages

Immerse yourself in the tapestry of languages that define Guatemala’s cultural identity. With its rich linguistic diversityGuatemala proudly recognizes 23 native languages alongside Spanish, making it a testament to the country’s vibrant heritage. From the Mayan languages of K’iche’, Kaqchikel, and Mam to the indigenous tongues of Q’eqchi’, Cakchiquel, and Tz’utujil, each language represents a unique thread in the colorful fabric of Guatemala’s cultural tapestry.

Guatemala’s commitment to preserving its native languages has been recognized internationally, highlighting the nation’s dedication to cultural preservation and inclusivity. The diverse linguistic landscape fosters a deep sense of pride and connection among Guatemalan communities, reinforcing the country’s cultural richness and indigenous roots.

A Glimpse into Guatemala’s Linguistic Diversity

The following table provides an overview of some of the native languages spoken in Guatemala:

LanguageNumber of Speakers
K’iche’1.2 million

As you delve into the linguistic tapestry of Guatemala, you will witness the beauty and complexity of its native languages, each carrying centuries of history and cultural significance. Whether you’re exploring the bustling streets of Guatemala City or the tranquil villages nestled amidst picturesque landscapes, the echoes of diverse languages will guide you through a journey of cultural discovery.

South Sudan – The Newest Nation on the Block

Uncover the story behind South Sudan’s emergence as the newest independent nation on the global stage. After decades of civil war, South Sudan finally gained its independence on July 9, 2011, becoming the youngest country in the world. This monumental achievement marked the culmination of a long and arduous struggle for self-determination and political autonomy.

The road to independence for South Sudan was paved with bloodshed and hardship. For years, the people of South Sudan had fought for their right to govern themselves, seeking to break free from the political and economic constraints imposed by the Sudanese government in the north. The conflict resulted in the loss of millions of lives and the displacement of countless others.

Despite the immense challenges facing this fledgling nation, South Sudan remains resilient and hopeful for a brighter future. The country is rich in natural resources, including oil reserves, which hold the potential for economic growth and development. However, the path to stability and prosperity is still riddled with obstacles, such as ethnic tensions, governance issues, and the need for infrastructural development.

Future Prospects and Challenges

As South Sudan navigates its way forward, international support remains crucial in ensuring a peaceful and sustainable future. Efforts to promote peace, reconciliation, and nation-building are ongoing, with the hope of fostering unity among the diverse ethnic groups that comprise the country’s population.

In conclusion, South Sudan’s journey from war-torn region to independent nation is a testament to the resilience and determination of its people. While the road ahead may be challenging, the potential for growth, development, and a brighter future is within reach. With continued support and investment, South Sudan can overcome its obstacles and establish itself as a stable and prosperous member of the global community.

Key Facts about South Sudan
Declaration of IndependenceJuly 9, 2011
Official LanguagesEnglish and Arabic
Capital CityJuba
PopulationApproximately 11 million
Main ResourcesOil, agriculture

Switzerland – A Chocolate Lover’s Paradise

Discover the delectable delight of Switzerland’s obsession with chocolate, a true culinary wonder. Renowned for its superior craftsmanship and dedication to quality, Switzerland has long been hailed as the chocolate capital of the world.

With an annual consumption of approximately 10 kilograms per person, the Swiss have truly mastered the art of chocolate making, creating a wide variety of sumptuous treats to satisfy even the most discerning palates. From velvety smooth milk chocolate to rich and complex dark chocolate, Switzerland offers a chocolate experience like no other.

Immerse yourself in the tantalizing aromas and flavors that permeate the charming streets of Swiss cities and towns. Indulge in luxurious pralines, delicate truffles, and decadent chocolate bars crafted with precision and passion. The Swiss take great pride in their chocolate heritage, providing a plethora of options for every chocolate lover.

The Swiss Chocolate Experience

  • Enjoy a visit to one of Switzerland’s many chocolate factories and witness the meticulous process of chocolate production firsthand.
  • Taste your way through the diverse range of chocolate varieties, from classic Swiss favorites to innovative and experimental creations.
  • Discover the history and traditions behind Switzerland’s chocolate industry, which dates back to the 19th century.

“Chocolate is happiness that you can eat.” – Ursula Kohaupt

Switzerland’s love affair with chocolate extends beyond consumption. It is deeply ingrained in the country’s cultural identity, with chocolate shops adorning every corner and annual festivals celebrating this delectable delight. Whether you’re a chocoholic or simply appreciate the finer things in life, Switzerland’s chocolate offerings are sure to leave a lasting impression.

Swiss Chocolate BrandsSignature Products
LindtSwiss chocolate bars, Lindor truffles
TobleroneIconic triangular chocolate bars with honey and almond nougat
SprüngliLuxurious pralines, macarons, and hot chocolate
CaillerSmooth milk chocolate bars, Swiss chocolate squares
TeuscherChampagne truffles, marzipan-filled chocolate

Switzerland’s dedication to culinary excellence is evident in its chocolate creations. So, indulge your senses and experience the magic of Swiss chocolate for yourself, taking a delicious journey through this enchanting land of cocoa.

Canada – The Land of Lakes

Immerse yourself in the captivating landscapes of Canada, home to the highest number of lakes worldwide. With over 2 million shimmering bodies of water, this vast country boasts a wealth of natural wonders that will leave you in awe.

From the majestic Great Lakes, which form the largest freshwater system on Earth, to the serene beauty of the Canadian Rockies reflecting in crystal-clear alpine lakesCanada offers a diverse range of aquatic wonders. Whether you’re seeking adventure on the water or simply looking for a peaceful retreat surrounded by nature, Canada’s lakes offer something for everyone.

One notable example is the stunning Lake Louise in Banff National Park, known for its turquoise glacial waters and breathtaking mountain backdrop. It’s no wonder that this picturesque spot has become a popular destination for both locals and visitors alike.

The Great Lakes

Among Canada’s many remarkable lakes, the Great Lakes stand out as true natural wonders. These interconnected freshwater lakes, consisting of Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario, form a vast system that stretches across both Canada and the United States.

Great LakeArea (square kilometers)Maximum Depth (meters)
Lake Superior82,414406
Lake Michigan58,026281
Lake Huron59,595229
Lake Erie25,66764
Lake Ontario18,960244

The Great Lakes not only provide a vast recreational playground for boating, fishing, and swimming, but they also play a crucial role in the region’s economy and ecology. They serve as important transportation routes, support diverse ecosystems, and provide a source of drinking water for millions of people.

Visiting Canada’s lakes is an opportunity to connect with nature, appreciate the beauty of the landscape, and experience the tranquility that comes with being surrounded by water. Whether you’re exploring the remote lakes of the northern wilderness or basking in the serenity of a hidden gem in the southern provinces, Canada’s lakes will leave an indelible impression on your heart.

France – The Time Zone Maestro

Embark on a time-traveling adventure as we unravel France’s mastery over time zones. With its numerous overseas territories scattered across the globe, France boasts the impressive title of covering the highest number of time zones worldwide – a grand total of 12.

From the vibrant Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique to the stunning landscapes of French Polynesia and New Caledonia in the Pacific, France’s influence stretches far beyond its mainland borders. Each of these territories operates on its own distinct time zone, adding to the complexity of France’s timekeeping.

The diverse time zones of France’s overseas territories not only highlight the cultural richness and geographical diversity of the country but also present unique challenges. Traveling between these territories can feel like crossing continents and experiencing different time periods, all within the realm of one nation.

French Overseas TerritoriesTime Zone
French GuianaGMT-3
French PolynesiaGMT-10
New CaledoniaGMT+11

As we traverse the French time zones, it becomes apparent that France’s mastery over time extends far beyond its borders, making it a true “Time Zone Maestro.” So next time you plan a voyage to France or its overseas territories, don’t forget to set your clocks accordingly and get ready to experience time in a whole new way.

Bolivia – Beyond the Salt Flats

Discover Bolivia’s breathtaking landscapes, from its flatlands to the mesmerizing salt flats. This South American country boasts a diverse range of geographical features that captivate travelers from around the world.

Nestled within the Andes Mountains, Bolivia is known for its stunning flatlands, stretching across vast expanses of the country. Endless plains, known as pampas, provide a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, offering the opportunity to spot unique species such as jaguars, tapirs, and capybaras.

One of Bolivia’s most famous natural wonders is the Salar de Uyuni, the world’s largest salt flat. This mesmerizing expanse covers an area of over 10,000 square kilometers, creating a surreal landscape that seems to stretch to infinity. The shimmering white salt crust, reflecting the sky above, creates an otherworldly atmosphere that is both captivating and serene.

Bolivia’s FlatlandsBolivia’s flatlands, including the pampas, offer a rich biodiversity and unique wildlife.
Salar de UyuniThe Salar de Uyuni is the largest salt flat in the world, covering over 10,000 square kilometers.

Visitors to the Salar de Uyuni can explore this natural wonderland by taking a guided tour, venturing across the vast expanse by 4×4 vehicles. The salt flats offer stunning photo opportunities, especially during sunrise and sunset, when the sky blends seamlessly with the vast white landscape. It truly is a photographer’s paradise.

“The Salar de Uyuni is like stepping onto another planet. The sheer expanse of salt stretching as far as the eye can see is a sight that will leave you in awe.” – Traveler Magazine

Natural Wonders and Cultural Heritage

But Bolivia’s natural wonders extend beyond the salt flats. The country is also home to the world’s highest navigable lake, Lake Titicaca, which sits at an elevation of over 3,800 meters. This expansive body of water is not only breathtakingly beautiful but also steeped in rich cultural heritage, with indigenous communities living on its shores for centuries.

In addition to its natural wonders, Bolivia is known for its vibrant indigenous culture and colorful traditions. From the bustling markets of La Paz to the ancient ruins of Tiwanaku, visitors can immerse themselves in the rich history and cultural tapestry of this remarkable country.

Whether you’re an adventure seeker, nature lover, or culture enthusiast, Bolivia offers a truly unique and unforgettable travel experience. From its sweeping flatlands to the enchanting salt flats, this South American gem will leave you in awe of its natural beauty and cultural richness.

San Marino – An Ancient State

Step into the ancient realm of San Marino, a living testament to centuries of history and culture. Nestled atop Mount Titano, this small but mighty country proudly holds the title of the world’s oldest existing sovereign state. With its origins dating back to 301 AD, San Marino’s rich heritage is reflected in its well-preserved medieval architecture, cobblestone streets, and breathtaking panoramic views.

As you wander through the narrow alleys of San Marino’s capital, aptly named the City of San Marino, you’ll encounter charming shops offering traditional crafts, locally produced wines, and delectable cuisine. The UNESCO-listed Historic Center of San Marino stands as a testament to the country’s historical significance, featuring landmarks like the Three Towers of San Marino, including Guaita, Cesta, and Montale.

Immerse yourself in San Marino’s vibrant culture by attending the annual Medieval Days, where the city comes alive with medieval reenactments, parades, and lively street performances. Indulge your taste buds with San Marino’s culinary delights, such as the famous piadina, a traditional flatbread, or the sweet torrone, a nougat-like confectionary.

Fascinating Facts about San Marino
Founded:301 AD
Official Language:Italian
Government:Unitary Parliamentary Republic
Area:61 square kilometers
Population:Approximately 33,000
UNESCO World Heritage Site:Historic Center of San Marino

Your visit to San Marino will transport you back in time, where you can experience the captivating blend of history, tradition, and natural beauty that sets this ancient state apart. Whether you explore its medieval fortresses, indulge in its culinary delights, or simply breathe in the enchanting atmosphere, San Marino is sure to leave an indelible impression on your heart.


As we conclude our exploration of fascinating facts about world countries, we invite you to continue your own journey of discovering the wonders our planet holds. From the obesity epidemic in Nauru to Australia’s lack of active volcanoes, each country offers unique and intriguing aspects that enrich our understanding of the world.

Micro-nations like Ladonia with their unusual anthems and China’s decision to operate on a single time zone despite its vast size challenge our preconceived notions. Meanwhile, Canada’s longest street, Yonge Street, and New Zealand’s trailblazing role in women’s suffrage inspire awe and admiration.

The natural beauty of Russia’s vast forests and Canada’s abundance of lakes remind us of the Earth’s breathtaking landscapes, while Switzerland and Bolivia capture our attention with their peculiarities, such as chocolate consumption and salt flats.

Lastly, we reflect on the history and endurance of San Marino, the world’s oldest country, and the linguistic diversity of Guatemala. These remarkable facts highlight the richness and diversity of our planet and encourage us to delve deeper into its cultures, landscapes, and histories.


What is the most obese country in the world?

Nauru holds the title of having the highest obesity rates, with 97% of men and 93% of women classified as obese.

Which continent doesn’t have any active volcanoes?

Australia is the only continent without any active volcanoes.

What is the official anthem of Ladonia?

One of Ladonia’s official anthems is the sound of a stone being thrown into water.

How many time zones does China have?

China operates on a single time zone, despite spanning over five time zones geographically.

What is the longest street in the world?

Yonge Street in Canada holds the record as the longest street in the world, spanning 1,896 kilometers.

Which country was the first to grant women the right to vote?

New Zealand was the first self-governing nation to give women the right to vote in 1893.

Which country produces the most oxygen?

Russia is the largest producer of oxygen for the planet due to its extensive forested areas.

How many native languages does Guatemala recognize?

Guatemala officially recognizes 23 native languages, in addition to Spanish.

When did South Sudan declare independence?

South Sudan declared independence on July 9, 2011, making it the most recent country to do so.

Which country consumes the most chocolate per year?

Switzerland is known for its love of chocolate and consumes approximately 10 kilograms per person annually.

Which country has the most lakes?

Canada has the most lakes in the world, with over 2 million lakes.

How many time zones does France cover?

France covers 12 time zones, thanks to its overseas territories.

What is the world’s flattest country?

Bolivia is the world’s flattest country and is also home to the longest salt flat, the Salar de Uyuni.

Which is the oldest country in the world?

San Marino is recognized as the world’s oldest country, founded in 301 AD.

How long is the border between France and Brazil?

France and Brazil share a 673-kilometer border due to French Guiana.

What is the punishment for cheating during an exam in Bangladesh?

Cheating during an exam in Bangladesh is punishable by imprisonment.

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