Coro: Tu bandera es un lampo de cielo Por un bloque de nieve cruzado; Y se ven en su fondo sagrado Cinco estrellas de p�lido azul; En tu emblema, que mar rumoroso Con sus ondas brav�as escuda, De un volc�n tras la cima desnuda Hay un astro de n�tida luz. Estrofa I India virgen y hermosa dorm�as De tus mares al canto sonoro, Cuando echada en tus cuencas de oro El audaz navegante te hall�; Y al mirar tu belleza extasiado Al influjo ideal de tu encanto, La orla azul de tu espl�ndido manto Con un beso de amor consagr�. Estrofa II De un pa�s donde el sol se levanta, Mas all� del Atlante azulado, Aquel hombre te hab�a so�ado Y en tu busca a la mar se lanz�. Cuando erguiste la p�lida frente, En la viva ansiedad de tu anhelo, Bajo el dombo gentil de tu cielo Ya flotaba un extra�o pend�n. Estrofa III Era inutil que el indio tu amado Se aprestara a la lucha con ira, Porque envuelto en su sangre Lempira, En la noche profunda se hundi�; Y de la �pica haza�a, en memoria, La leyenda tan s�lo ha guardado De un sepulcro el lugar ignorado Y el severo perfil de un pe��n. Estrofa IV Por tres siglos tus hijos oyeron El mandato imperioso del amo; Por tres siglos tu in�til reclamo En la atmosfera azul se perdi�; Pero un d�a gloria tu o�do Percibi�, poderoso y distante, Que all� lejos, por sobre el Atlante, Indignado rug�a un Le�n. Estrofa V Era Francia, la libre, la heroica, Que en su sue�o de siglos dormida Despertaba iracunda a la vida Al reclamo viril de Dant�n: Era Francia, que enviaba a la muerte La cabeza del Rey consagrado, Y que alzaba soberbia a su lado, El Altar de la Diosa raz�n. Estrofa VI T� tambi�n, �oh mi patria!, te alzaste De tu sue�o servil y profundo; T� tambi�n ense�astes al mundo Destrozado el infame eslab�n. Y en tu suelo bendito, tras la alta Cabellera del monte salvaje, Como un ave de negro plumaje,
La colonia fugaz se perdi�
Chorus Your flag is a splendor of sky Crossed with a band of snow; And there can be seen, in its sacred depths, Five pale blue stars. In your emblem, which a rough sea With its wild waves protects, Behind the bare summit of a volcano, There is a star of clean light. Verse I Indian maiden, virgin and beautiful you slept, Of your seas to the resonant song, When lying in your valleys of gold, The bold navigator found you; And on seeing your enrapturing beauty, To the inflowing ideal of your enchantment, The blue hem of your splendid mantle With a kiss of blessed love. Verse II From a country where the sun rises, Beyond the blue Atlantic, That man who had dreamt you In search of you he launched to sea. When he sighted your pale forehead, In the lively anxiousness of your hope, Under the gentle breeze of your sky Already floated a strange buoy. Verse III It was useless that your beloved Indian Rushed into the fight with anger, Because, covered with his blood, Lempira, In the deep night he sank; And of the heroic deed, in memory, The legend alone has kept A sepulcher in a forgotten place, And the severe profile of a mountain peak. Verse IV For three centuries your children heard The glorious mandate of the master; For three centuries your useless complaint In the blue atmosphere was lost But one glorious day your ear Perceived, powerful and distant, That there, far away, over the Atlantic, Indignantly, a lion roared Verse V It was France, the free, the heroic, Which in your dreams of centuries slept, Awoke irate to life At the virile protest of Danton: It was France, who sent to the Death The head of the consecrated King, And which rose up haughtily to your side, The altar of godly reason. Verse VI You also, oh my country!, rose yourself up From your servile deep sleep; You also taught the world Destroyed in the infamous slavery. And in your blessed sleep, behind the tall Dame of the wild jungle, Like a bird of black feathers, The fugitive colony was lost.